About Us

Wings of Yoga is one of the leading Yoga training centres in New Delhi with more than a decade of vast experience in the field of Yoga sessions and other related activities. Yoga is very helpful for various diseases which includes Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Obesity, Backache, Nasal Allergy, Breathing Problems,...
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About Us

Our Mission

To create awareness about Yoga among the youth as well as senior citizens and providing able assistance through various forms of traditional and modern methods of training.

Our Objective

To help people in achieving all round development which includes physical, mental, moral, spiritual and social development.

Our Vision

Wings of Yoga’s Key vision is to help individuals to have good physical health & mental health, maintain emotional stability and integrate moral values.


Personal Yoga Sessions
Personal Yoga Sessions
Wings of Yoga is providing InHouse Yoga or Personalized Yoga services at prominent locations in...
Corporate Yoga Sessions
Corporate Yoga Sessions
Wings of Yoga is providing Workplace Yoga or  yoga for Corporates at prominent locations in...
Group Yoga Sessions
Group Yoga Sessions
Yoga is highly recommended for the people in competitive, stressful working environments. After a good...

Our Team

Abhishek Sharma
Abhishek Sharma
Master Instructor
Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar
Master Instructor
Shiv Shankar
Shiv Shankar
Master Instructor
Master Instructor
Master Instructor
Param Deo
Param Deo
Master Instructor

Our Blog

Yoga as therapy is the use of yoga as exercise, consisting mainly of postures called asanas, as a gentle form of exercise and relaxation applied specifically with the intention of...
Power yoga is a general term used to describe a vigorous, fitness-based approach to vinyasa-style yoga. Power yoga incorporates the physical qualities that are characteristic of athletes, such as strength...

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